For Parents
Teen STAR provides interactive educational courses for teenagers.
Teen STAR Courses’ holistic approach represent an alternative to the usual choices on the subject.
In Detail
Men and women in the media, sexuality in the media;
Friendship, love, feelings, being in love;
Going out, attitudes, behaviours, fashion;
Behaviour of boys towards girls and vice-versa, understanding of oneself and of others;
Understanding, and dealing with, change at adolescence;
Self-esteem and self-acceptance;
Saying “no”: How? When? Peer pressure, assertiveness;
Girls and boys: equal and different;
Anatomy and physiology of genital organs;
Fertility of men and women;
New life and birth;
Clarification on contraception, STIs; and
Dreams and vision.
The Teen STAR Courses' Content
Courses are based on the five aspects of human personality and sexuality, namely physiological, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual.
They lead teenagers to learn about their own body (fertility awareness) and that of the opposite sex. And to think about who they truly are and what they want in life, to know how they manage their relationships, to improve the way they make their decisions and to act accordingly…
A Teen STAR Course is not a quick fix.
The teenager is given time to think and to reach his/her own conclusions which leads to maturity.
It is not about learning, it is about understanding of oneself and life in general.
How Does it Work?
Courses are delivered in 16 to 20 workshops over one whole academic year, free of charge;
Groups are formed by gender and age (13-14, 15-18…) with between 4 and 12 volunteer participants;
Boys’ groups are led by male Teen STAR UK tutors and girls’ groups by female ones;
Courses are led by trained Teen STAR UK tutors using the Socratic Method; workshops are interactive, using role-playing, games etc.;
Teen STAR UK tutors work on an entirely voluntary basis;
Parents' cooperation, before and during each Course, is encouraged;
Parental consent for attendance at a Course is required for minors; and
All Teen STAR UK-accredited tutors running Courses have attended a 5-day Training Course, are DBS-checked, have received Safeguarding Training and comply with the Teen STAR UK Safeguarding Policy.
We would be very pleased to come and make a presentation to you.
Click below to make the arrangements.
Teen STAR UK Tutor Training Courses
Teen STAR is developing in the UK and we need to train more tutors in order to run more Courses. Come and attend the next Teen STAR UK Tutor Training Course!
By attending the Tutor Training Course, you are not committing yourself to becoming a Teen STAR UK tutor. You can attend as a parent or an educator and decide later whether or not you want to deliver Courses.
"I saw my son blossoming and getting more and more self-confident about who he is."
William, father of John
“I can now speak so easily about these topics with my children since they attended a Teen STAR Course!"
Ann, mother of Isabel and Mark
“Meeting my group of girls weekly is a real pleasure. It is a privilege to listen to their dreams, thoughts, questions, hopes and desires, to be able to lead them in their reflections, and to see them mature all along the school year. We laugh a lot!”